Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy in Indore

A non-operative and a permanent solution for conditions such as arthritis and ligament/tendon sprains and tears is known as platelet rich plasma, commonly referred to as “PRP’.This therapy is generally the concentration of platelets which are injected into the damaged ligaments, joints and tendons to promote tissue repair and accelerate healing as platelets are rich in growth and healing factors, therefore, an injured person can get back to a pain-free life in the other 4 to 6 weeks. Basically,PRP was popularized by professional athletes and weekend warriors through its treatment of season-ending symptoms.

Some of the symptoms for the PRP Therapy may include:

  • Swelling
  • Stiffness
  • Inflammation
  • Tenderness
  • Pain
  • Rotator cuff injuries, including partial-thickness
  • Shoulder pain and instability
  • Hamstring and hip strains
  • Knee sprains and instability
  • Ankle sprains
  • Lumbar spine disc pain

PRP involves in injecting a substance in the skin and PRP is autologous that means it contains substance which comes out directly from your body. This helps in reducing the risks for an allergic reactions that might occur from injecting other medications as well including cortisone or hyaluronic acid. Some of the causes are mentioned below:

  • infection
  • nerve injuries
  • pain at the injection site
  • tissue damage

During a PRP Therapy, you may experience tenderness and soreness, minimal pain, and pinpoint bleeding in the areas where injections were delivered. Also, you will feel a ‘tightness’ after the procedure which may lead to several injuries and also influenced area where the injection is provided will pain much and lead to tissue damage.

The rehabilitation procedure is done in four stages that is:

Stage I: Post Injection Stage

  • A period of four days when PRP is injected
  • Commencing the healing process
  • Initiation of the cross link
  • Allowing the homeostasis occurrence
  • After this, a proper rest for 2-3 days
  • Depending upon the goal, may immobilize the joint

Stage II: Protection Stage

  • It is for a time period of 7-10 days
  • Do not disrupt homeostasis of healing
  • The cross link is building a scaffold
  • Begin gentle ROM
  • Avoid overstretching
  • Maintain the integrity of the cross link
  • Begin mobilizing tissue so the matrix heals in the lines of fibers

 Stage III: Light Activity Phase

  • A period of 2 weeks to 4 weeks
  • Gap is filled in
  • What is the integrity of the cross link matrix?
  • Increase in the tensile force of the repaired tissue
  • Beginning to withstand load and stretch
  • Begin Resistance Training from light to medium
  • Active Stretching from gentle to dynamic
  • Player’s pain symptoms has significantly decreased during this phase.
  • Be aware of the type of tissue and severity

Stage IV: Return to Activity

  • Aperiod of 4 weeks and on
  • Increasing the tensile structure of the repaired tissue
  • Improving the tensile load ability to generate forces (muscles)
  • Improving the tensile elasticity ability to withstand the stretching forces (Muscles, Tendons and ligaments)

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