Benefits of Knee Replacement Surgery that you Should Know

If you are like many people with a bad knee, you are probably considering knee surgery but are not confident if you should go through with it. You might be worried about managing the pain, the amount of time away from work, complications, or being too old. You may be relieved to know that many of the arguments against knee surgery are good reasons to have surgery. Knee surgery helps you manage pain, improve your attendance and performance at work, reduce complications like a sedentary lifestyle and obesity, and can be performed at any age.

Knee pain is significantly disabling because it prevents you from walking long distances. Significant knee pain can prevent you from walking short distances inside your own home or work. Even moderate knee pain can interfere with your ability to take care of your family or do an excellent job at work.

Knee surgery may be a good option if chronic knee inflammation and swelling do not improve with rest, medication, or other treatments, including anti-inflammatory medications, lubricating injections, cortisone injections, physical therapy, or other surgeries. Long-term use of drugs, especially opioid pain relievers, can cause complications. Using opioid pain relievers for more than a few days can result in physical dependence and addiction.

Knee pain can even lead to a sedentary lifestyle, resulting in weight gain and ill health. Knee surgery may be right for you if severe knee pain or joint stiffness limits everyday activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, and sitting down on or rising from chairs.

Contact us for knee replacement in Indore. 

Signs you Should Never Ignore and Visit your Orthopedic Specialist

You have more than 300 bones and joints in your body. If just one of them isn’t functioning correctly, you could be in for pain and discomfort. What does an orthopedic doctor do? An orthopedic doctor specializes in these bones and joints’ health and can help diagnose and treat your ailments. Knowing when to contact an orthopedist isn’t always easy, but these five signs are a sure indication to pick up the phone and call.


Do you feel shaky or wobbly when performing essential functions like standing, walking, sitting down, or standing up? This is a sure sign that something is wrong with your joints. Your best option is to consult with a medical professional to determine the cause of your instability and work on correcting it.

Pain is becoming Chronic.

Chronic pain is often defined as any pain lasting longer than 12 weeks. Experiencing a few days of discomfort is one thing, but after several weeks and months of it, you should strongly consider seeking professional help.

Everyday tasks are a struggle.

Bone and joint discomfort are typical in older people, but they should not inhibit your daily activities. If you struggle to perform simple tasks like climbing stairs or walking your dog, you should see an orthopedist.

Avoid These After your Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Doctors sometimes recommend reverse shoulder replacement surgery for patients with a rotator cuff tear that cannot be repaired or when other treatments have not worked for chronic shoulder pain associated with arthritis. During surgery, the ball-and-socket joint of the shoulder is replaced.

Recovery rush

No matter how good you feel, listening to your doctor and following his recommendations after rotator cuff surgery is essential. Even if you experience little or no pain, activities that put stress on your shoulder can significantly increase your risk of re-injury. Resuming physical activity before your shoulder has healed also increases the likelihood of stressing other parts of your body, such as your elbows or spine.

Strong workout

You may generally begin limited range-of-motion exercises, such as stretching and pendulum, relatively soon after surgery. Work with a physical therapist to help you determine the appropriate course of action as you recover to make sure you build strength and protect the healing tissues simultaneously. Most people begin more progressive strengthening routines within 4-6 weeks after surgery.

Risky mobility

For the first few weeks after surgery, you may be unable to lift your arm above your head. Plan in advance by moving virtual objects in your home to lower shelves or countertops, where you can reach them. People who undergo this procedure because of degenerative conditions may never fully regain their range of motion, though they may expect it to improve as they heal after surgery.

For the best shoulder replacement surgery in Indore, contact us.